Friday Fashion Face-off: The Micro-Dress

Is there a proper length for a tennis skirt?

Even asking the question makes me squirm a bit inside. I like doling out a little good-humored snark, but playing hemline cop doesn’t appeal to me. Still, I can’t help looking askance when I see the lengths, or should I say the shorts, to which some young women will go. Continue reading “Friday Fashion Face-off: The Micro-Dress”

A Poll on Losing

I’m guessing your poor eyeballs are still trying to recover from Monday’s long Arthur Ashe post. So I’m taking pity on you today with a super short post, along with a poll. (I love my polls!)

What do you think about losing? (Personally, I’m not a fan.) The pros have faced more losses than most of us, and many have strong opinions about it. Continue reading “A Poll on Losing”

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